Job Management from Job Information

E Proposal Overview

A full tutorial on all the E Proposal Settings

Video is 15 minutes so you can see the chaptered topics below by minute. Scroll farther down to see a written description of each toggle and feature. 


E Proposal On/Off - This turns off the E Proposal so that the system does not try to attach a "View my Proposal" button.  If this is turned off the customer will not have the ability to take action on the E-Proposal.

Embed PDF - If this is turned on the E-Proposal displays as an Embedded PDF. You can still have the option to Approve and not approve services.

Group Work by Section - To understand Sections see our help documentation here. If you have sections associated with your services, you can subtotal the work visually on your E-Proposal. 

Plant Inventory - If you have an Enterprise level subscription, you can build a tree history with geolocation and display it on the E-Proposal

Ability to Decline - Let your clients tell you if they are not going to accept work. This requires them to list a reason in short answer form.

Ability to Request Changes - If you enable this, you will get a notification via the E-Proposal Dashboard Widget and the notes regarding their requested changes will also show up in the "Communication" tab on the job. You must send a new version of the proposal in order to move forward with acceptance. Once the client has selected "Request Changes" they cannot approve the work until a new email has been sent. 

Show Service Before and After  - Before and After Pictures can appear as a small icon next to the service. Client may click on this icon to see the photo you took. 

Show Service Quantity - If this is checked, the Service Quantity will appear on the E-Proposal
Show Service Description - If this is checked, the Service Description will appear on the proposal and is truncated to save space, but a "show more" option will appear to expand the text.
Show Estimated Visits - If you are using recurring services, with Mowing or Maintenance work, for example, the E-proposal will display the Service Price of $75.00 per cut x 32 visits to the property, resulting in the grand total of $2400. This can help to explain the breakdown of the price to your client. 

Show Cad Map - CAD Maps may be uploaded and displayed with an icon. Our Landscape and Tree companies use this to show off JPEG images of their site plans or to demonstrate a quick sketch of the plan for the property. Click here to learn more. 

Ability to See and Pay Account Balance - If this is turned off then your customer will not see their Open Account Balance on the E Proposal and will not have the ability to pay the Open Account Balance.

Confirmation Email - Emails entered will be CC'd whenever the customer takes action on the Proposal (i.e. accepting, declining, or requesting changes to the Proposal). The emails entered will also be CC'd if a Proposal is accepted via Mobile Estimator or Customer Portal. Note: The Salesperson associated with the Job and Customer will receive a notification whenever action is taken on the Proposal.

From Email Preference Type - This will determine the From Address of the notification emails sent to the customer and salesperson when that customer takes action on an e-proposal. You can choose to set a single default email (Default), or to have these notifications automatically be sent from salesperson associated with the Job(Salesperson).

Default From Email - This option will set a single default From Address for all e-proposal notification emails. Whenever a customer takes action on an email proposal, the customer and salesperson will receive a notification (i.e. “Proposal accepted for Job“) sent from the address set here.


Approve and not approve services - If this is turned on then your customers will have the ability to approve and not approve specific services.

Ability to prepay job - If this is turned on then your customer's will be able to prepay for the job. Note, this feature will automatically be turned off if you don't have a credit card integration.

If this is turned on the Paid Amount field will be displayed. - If this is turned on the Paid Amount field will be displayed.
Show Unpaid Amount - If this is turned on the Unpaid Amount field will be displayed.

Default Minimum Job Prepay Percentage - If you expect a 25% downpayment for every job you offer, you would enter "25" into this field. Remember, this can also be set on each job individually (see Gif at bottom of this article)

Default Prepay Discount Percentage - If you offer a discount for prepayment, enter the percentage. Remember, you can remove this or set an expiration date from the job itself (see Gif at bottom of this article). It is not necessary to set anything in this field if you wish to require a Prepayment. 

Prepay Note - You can leave an explanation here that will display a note justifying the reason for the prepayment. This is optional.

Display Customer Portal registration/sign in link - Optional for clients who have the customer portal. 
Do not require signature for acceptance - Optional, removes the requirement for a signature.
Require Customer to Agree To Term & Conditions On/Off - Recommended. Selecting this option adds a checkbox below the signature the client must check in order to accept the proposal. This indicates they have read your terms and conditions. 
Terms & Conditions Text - You can link terms and conditions on your website or enter them here.