7.8 Release Documentation

Recalculate Resource and Scheduled Hours

Recalculate Resource and Scheduled Hours 7.8 - Enhancement for Recalculating Resource Scheduled Hours Caleb

There has been a new option called “Recalculate Scheduled Hours,” added to Arborgold’s Batch Update Resource settings. This setting will give your company the option to recalculate the scheduled hours for the service upon changing the number of employees associated; distributing the total man-hours evenly by the employees assigned on the service. NOTE: This option will appear only if the service is scheduled but not completed.

For example, if a service has 1 employee scheduled hours of work, and a 2nd employee is added to the service schedule from the Update Resources screen, then having this toggled on will recalculate scheduled hours to .5 hours of work for the crew to complete.

From the Edit Resources Screen

Turning this option on will recalculate the scheduled hours for the crew on the job.

Notice that the estimated time for the crew is .33 hours.

Upon updating the crew with an additional employee, it will adjust. Taking 1 hour / 4 employees to get the .25 hours per crew member.

From the Service Resources screen

Turning this option on will recalculate the scheduled hours to the crew same as the edit resources screen.

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