Arborgold Monthly Feature Additions

Plant Inventory Recommendations in Mobile Estimator (Coming Soon)

Plant Inventory Recommendations in Mobile Estimator

The Mobile Estimator app now offers a Plant Inventory Recommendation feature. This allows your estimators to create Recommendation for plant inventories on jobsites without immediately building estimates. The recommendations can be used to create multiple estimates later, whether it's immediately or years down the road. 

The following will demonstrate the process and flow for adding recommendations for plants from the Mobile Estimator. 

Add Recommendations: To add a recommendation, expand the sidebar from the top left and right-click on any plant. In the ellipses menu, you'll find the "Add Recommendations" option. This will open the Add Recommendation form where you can fill in details and save the recommendation for that specific plant.



View Recommendations: The View Recommendations will show all of the recommendations for the specific plant.