
E-Proposal Analytics

Helps to analyze all the proposals made online and its lifecycle.

E-Proposal analytics is a comprehensive tool designed to decode the intricate dynamics of sales proposals, this dashboard offers invaluable insights into every facet of the proposal lifecycle. Empowering the sales team with granular insights, illuminates the performance of salespersons, quantifying their efforts in generating and closing deals.

E-proposal Analytics is designed to present the below metrics and description



Total Proposals

This number provides the details about the total proposals made for the selected period.

Proposal by Status

This chart gives information about the number of proposals in different stages.

Proposal by Status (Pie Chart)

The previous KPI is represented in the form of a pie chart to highlight the percentage of proposals in each stage.

Analyse Proposal by View State

This visualization provides insight into the number of proposals at each view stage.

Proposals Accepted / Declined by Channel

Proposals are made through different mediums so this KPI helps us understand through which medium most proposals have been accepted/declined.

Top 5 Districts by Proposals

This bar chart helps us understand the number of proposals made for each district.

Top 5 Salesperson who sent more proposals

This bar chart helps us understand the number of proposals made by each salesperson.

Top 5 Cities by Proposals

This bar chart helps us understand the number of proposals made for each city.

Top 5 Salespersons by Jobs Accepted

Among the proposals made by each salesperson, this chart helps us know the status of the proposal made by each salesperson.

Rate of Proposals sent and by Status

This timeline chart lets you know the timeline of when a proposal is sent and the action made on the proposal.

Proposal Detail

A summary of the whole proposal made, along with the customer name to whom the proposal has been made, the salesperson who has made the proposal, proposal format, proposal status, the number of times the proposal has been viewed by the customer, etc.


Using filters you can analyze by applying various search criteria, here are the available filters

Salesperson → Proposal Status → Proposal View Status → District

The Importance of E-Proposal Analytics

  • Improved Decision Support: The E-Proposal analytics dashboard acts as a robust tool for facilitating informed decision-making within the sales team. By offering a detailed summary of proposal performance, encompassing acceptance rates, stage advancements, and geographic patterns, decision-makers can pinpoint essential insights and patterns vital for enhancing sales strategies.
  • Optimized Sales Performance: With this analytics, the sales team gains unprecedented visibility into their performance metrics. By tracking the total number of proposals made, individual salesperson performance, and outcomes such as acceptance or decline, teams can identify strengths and areas of improvement.

E-Proposal Analytics short video tour