
Crew Analytics

You can understand about Crew Analytics

Crew analytics is often used to optimize crew operations, increase efficiency, and improve overall performance. By analyzing crew data, businesses can make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their operations over time.

Managing total crews effectively is an important aspect of running a successful tree and plant healthcare business. This may involve tasks such as scheduling, routing, dispatching crews to job sites, monitoring crew performance & efficiency, and ensuring that crews have the necessary equipment, tools, and training to complete their tasks safely and effectively.

Crew Analytics provides below KPIs and Insights.



All Metrics

It will help to know all the services count by their status.

Service(s) Assigned per Crew | Top 10

By tracking data related to the number of services assigned per crew, businesses can optimize crew operations, ensure that crews are properly allocated to services, and improve overall performance. 

Analyze Crews by Service Status

This bar chart can help managers and crew leaders evaluate crew assignments and prioritize workload based on service status.

Work-in-progress services (Crews Clocked In) per Job site

Crew-wise report with the list of services that are in progress. This report can help managers and crew leaders track the progress of services in real-time, and assign crews to specific services.

Scheduled Services

Crew-wise report with the list of services that are Scheduled. This report can help managers and crew leaders track scheduled jobs, this report can help businesses communicate with customers about scheduled appointments, and ensure that their needs are being met.

Services Completed by Crew (Completed, Invoiced, Ready to Invoice)

Crew-wise report with the list of services that are Completed. The report includes columns for the Crew, Job, Service, Service Status, Scheduled On, Est. Hours and Actual Hours.

Crew Goals

This report can help managers and crew leaders track crew Goals and evaluate whether goals are being met.

Crew Conflicts

By analyzing crew conflicts and taking proactive steps to prevent and resolve them, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Crew Details

Using this report, managers and crew leaders can track crew members, and types of equipment assigned per crew. 

Crew Hours

This report gives information on the estimated hours vs the actual hours worked by each row.

Here are the business constraints that are applied.

  • All the Metrics are calculated for the applied date range filter.
  • Only active Jobs are considered for the computations.


Using filters you can analyze by applying various search criteria, here are the available filters:

Crew →  Job Site → Job Name →  Service Category → Service Status →  Service Type 

Top 5 areas Crew Analytics can help to manage your operations better: 

  1. Crew Scheduling and Planning: Crew Analytics can help businesses optimize crew scheduling and planning to ensure that crews are assigned to the right service at the right times. By analyzing crew availability and equipment, businesses can assign crews more efficiently and reduce scheduling conflicts.
  2. It can help managers and crew leaders evaluate crew assignments and prioritize workload based on service status.
  3. It helps managers and crew leaders track the progress of services in real time.
  4. It helps managers and crew leaders track crew members, crew goals, equipment assigned per crew, etc.,
  5. Businesses can use Crew Analytics tools to identify potential conflicts before they occur and take proactive steps to prevent or resolve them.

Importance of having Crew Analytics

  • Managing total crews effectively is an important aspect of running a successful tree and plant healthcare business. This may involve tasks such as scheduling, routing, and dispatching crews to job sites, monitoring crew performance and efficiency, and ensuring that crews have the necessary equipment, tools, and training to complete their tasks safely and effectively.
  • Tracking the total in progress can also help businesses identify potential bottlenecks or issues that may be impacting their operations. For example, if there are a high number of services in progress but crews are taking longer than expected to complete them, this may indicate a need for additional training or equipment.