Release_Version - 8.1.53
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the issue with Google Calendar integration
- Fixed the issue with printing renewal
- The issue where the address set as Billing is not automatically set as the default billing address on the customer information screen has been resolved.
- Resolved the issue where Customer Tags were not appearing in the Filter option on the Invoice and Batch Invoice Listing.
- Fixed an error when clicking on the previous button after making updates to the services on a job.
- The count of Associated Templates was displaying incorrectly under the Campaign for Appointment Automation.
- The Export to QuickBooks for Time Entry records from the TimeSheet, caused the user to be logged out of the system.
- When opening the batch communication window from CRM Listing and there is nothing to print, the Print tab and Move To Print options are now hidden.
- Problem with Job site Tags on the CRM Screen where the tags were not getting assigned to the Job sites for selected customers.
- An object reference error on the message detail screen when opening a message has been fixed.
- An error message on the console when attempting to view invoices with no records available has been fixed.
- The issue with the Print and Communication options on the purchase order screen, where the Statement option was incorrectly displayed has been resolved.
- An error message on the console when attempting to create a payment for the bill has been fixed.
- After restoring a deactivated job, the system displayed the restored item as checked with the selected count.
- The count of selected messages on the Message listing screen would not reset after deactivating a message. It continued to display the same count as before deactivation.
- Optimized Time Clock in and Clock out function under the Arborgold Crew app.
- The Total count for Restored Customer Listing in CRM was not accurately displayed.
- Improved the update functionality on the Job Information screen to ensure that it accurately loads the information with any applied changes and existing data.
- The issue where the resend email does not include the recipient's address under the TO column has been resolved.