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Arborgold Weekly Release Version_8.3.5
Release Version_8.3.5 - 10/09/2024
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue with the display of Service Tags in the Arborgold Crew app.
- Addressed a problem with the "Insert plant inventory associated with service" tool under the service description, which was unable to add plant inventory details when the service did not have a service description.
- Resolved the subscription check issue with the Roll-Up Resources feature, which was available only at the service setting level and not at the job level.
- Addressed the performance issue with the messages listing screen to reduce load times.
- Resolved the site performance issue that caused slowness and required a reset when using the Deactivate message function.
Resolved the site performance issue that caused slowness and required a reset when using communication feature on Cloud or in Mobile Estimator app.
Notable Feature Enhancements:
Added a tooltip for "Include new message in appointment automation by default" message setting.
- Added a tooltip for the "Secondary Email" field on the customer information tab.
Added a tooltip for "Send Invoices to this Email" field on Customer information tab.
- Resolved an issue where the selection was not cleared on the employee listing after an employee was deactivated, causing the system to still recognize that employee as an available record for communication action.