Arborgold Monthly Improvements

Arborgold Weekly Release Version_8.2.9

Release Version_8.2.9 - 05/23/2024

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved the issue with the QB web connector that was causing it to hang at 30% during execution.
  • Fixed the issue with updating the customer's sorting method to "Last Name."
  • Resolved the issue with resetting passwords on the Customer Portal.

Notable Feature Enhancements

  • A new feature called "Include In Appointment Automation Campaign" has been added to the Appointment detail screen. This feature allows users to easily toggle on or off the setting for appointments, enabling them to add or remove appointments from the Appointment Automation Campaign. By toggling this setting, users can trigger the next automation template in line to either send or cancel.


  • Resolved a problem where the system would display an error message "Conflict on updating Job Site" when trying to deactivate or make updates with Job Site address.
  • Addressed a problem where the total count displayed on the Deactivated Customers List was not updating properly after customers were restored.
  • Enhanced the functionality of exporting data to Excel on the Timesheet QB Export tab for a smoother user experience.
  • Resolved the issue with the date filter on the CRM tab to ensure accurate and efficient filtering of data.
  • Resolved the issue where the Plant Inventory List was not refreshing until the tabs were switched, ensuring that the list updates promptly for a smoother user experience.
  • Resolved the problem related to assigning tags Tag 1 and Tag 2 on a customer's profile.
  • Resolved the issue with the Add New dropdown under the Salesperson filter on the CRM tab.