Release Version_8.2.4
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved a situation where the system displayed an error instead of issuing a warning toaster notification regarding batch communication configuration when attempting to send batch email without setting up SendGrid.
- The issue with the material unit cost displaying as the cost per 100 gallons instead of the cost per 1 gallon on the job has been resolved.
- Resolved the issue where recurring services were defaulting to a 12-hour block of scheduled time when no Estimated time was provided and when scheduled from the recurring scheduler on the job.
- Resolved the issue where the system was automatically adjusting prices for child services instead of adhering to the Parent's pricing method after being scheduled.
- Fixed the issue where certain service prices were not displaying accurately on the proposal formats.
- Resolved the issue where scheduling a standard service from the work scheduler screen would open up the 'project scheduler' instead of the usual 'Service schedule' pop-up.
- Fixed the issue where service tags were not being applied to all selected services when using batch actions to list services on the job information screen.
- Resolved the issue where duplicate materials were appearing under Service Resources in the Job information upon addition.
- Resolved the issue where Jobsite tags were not displaying on the Job Site details screen.
- Resolved the issue where Job tags were not displaying on the Job Site details screen.
- Resolved the issue where when a new service was added from the "Add New" option on the Service Detail screen under Job info, the Work Order Details were incorrectly copied over to the new service.
- Resolved the issue where updating an Employee's avatar in the Employee listing took an unexpected amount of time to update after the profile picture was uploaded.
- Resolved the issue where the Service Pricing Method would change unexpectedly when adding a service to a job and hitting the Save button.
- Resolved the issue where the Job Site Details screen did not display the address details when opened by double-clicking on addresses.
Resolved the issue where exporting to Excel was not functioning correctly in the Measuring Tool.
Fixed the problem where the resource rollup summary modal was not appearing under the Service resources listing.
Implemented an improvement to allow copying a Job with Service without encountering an error.
Corrected the functionality of the Classic Lawn Information Panel on the address detail screen.
Improved the naming convention of exported Excel files from the Invoice list to display as "Invoice List" instead of "Bach Invoice List".
Addressed the Date Filter issue on the Scheduling Assistant screen.
Fixed the Date and Distance Column filters on the Scheduling Assistant screen.
- Enhanced the system to display a warning toaster message when adding start and end times without an appointment date, prompting the user to input an appointment date.
- Implemented an improvement to enhance the loading speed of the Job costing screen.