Customer Essentials

Customer Tags

Search, Sort, Filter, Export, Report Customer Tags are a great labeling tool for your customer where you create your own custom fields and can reference that information later on various screens.

Adding customer tags

Example of searching by customer tag on the Work Scheduler

Customer Tags are a great labeling tool for your customer where you create your own custom fields to and can reference that information later in various screens. To first get to the customer tags to edit you will want to navigate to the CRM tab on the left (the icon that looks like a figure of a person). From there you will want to open up any customer and in the configuration box you will see the Tags area. If you click on the tag area you will see a drop down of all your available tags. If you are a new client this is likely to be blank.

Tags can be a great way to keep track of a referral program. To edit your tags and create new ones, click the pencil icon to the right:

To add a new Customer Tag, click the + Add button:

You will see new blank line appear at the top where you can type in the new customer tag:

You can edit the Tag Color by clicking in the color box.

Be sure to click save after filling out this info to store the Customer Tag in the database. Then when you go back and click to add a Customer Tag the new one will appear:

If you click Referred Business the customer tag will appear at the top with an X next to it if you need to remove it. Keep it mind you can tag none, all, or any combination of customer tags.

Be sure to click the save in the upper left hand corner after adding your combination of tags to the customer. Clicking the X in the customer tag will remove the tag applied to the customer if you save, keep in mind if you click the pencil icon and open up the customer tag edit screen, you can click the trash can icon to delete those customer tags from the database. This will remove any tag that had been applied with that deleted tag.

If you click the CRM tab on the left to get back to your customer listing, you can type in the Cust Tags box to search for a customer tag:

If you don't see the box to type in to search for the customer tags or even don't see the customer tags column, head to the 4x4 grid at the top right corner:

Be sure it displays Column Searching Off and the Cust Tags box is checked. You can also control other columns displaying in this drop down. You can see when ref is typed in its a keyword search and pops up any customer tag that has those letters.