
SCM Overview Analytics

Gaining insights to optimize supply chain operations, enhance efficiency, and improve decision making within the supply chain management process.

Supply Chain Management Overview helps analyze and understand the inventory levels, Purchase Orders, and Vendors.

SCM Overview Analytics helps you to focus on key aspects of Supply Chain management i.e., Purchasing (sourcing), Planning (scheduling), and Logistics (delivery/returns).

One of the most prominent goals of supply chain management is to contribute to the organization’s financial performance. Historically, cost-cutting strategies have focused on streamlining stock levels to reduce inventory carrying costs.

SCM Overview Analytics is designed to present below metrics and description



Total Inventory Items

This Metric lets you know how many Total inventory items are in your store.

Total Purchase Order Value

This Metric lets you know how much the Total purchased cost for the selected range and base period.

Estimated Reordering Cost for scheduled services

Metrics to understand Estimated Reordered Cost To complete scheduled services.

Purchase Order by Status

It will help to know the status of the purchase order, like how many orders are accepted, how many orders are pending, and how many are billed.

Inv. Stock Availability

To understand your warehouse by Items that are `In stock` vs `Out of Stock` vs Items to `Reorder`

Purchase Orders over Time and its Order Value


Metric to understand the money spent on the inventory for the selected date period. Total cost by Month based on the selected date range and base period.

Material Procurement vs Utilization vs Availability [Top 5]

Top 5 items that are more stocked and less used

Listed with informative fields like Item Name, Total Stocked, Total Used, Available Qty.

Top 5 Materials by Available Quantity

Provides you with the top 5 materials with a list of items that are in Stock.

Items to Reorder for Services that are Scheduled

Provides you with a list of items that need to be Re-ordered to complete Services that are Scheduled.

Listed with informative fields like Item Name, Available Qty, Required Qty, and Reorder Cost.

Items to Reorder for Services that are Pending

A report of items to reorder for services that are pending along with the required quantity, unit cost, and other details.

Purchase Orders created

Detailed metrics Report helps you to understand your purchase orders.

Materials Ordered

This KPI helps us by giving information on the materials ordered along with the quantity purchased, and cost details.

Computed Fields

Available Qty = Total Stocked - Total Usage (completed Services)

Qty to be Reordered = The minimum amount of inventory before more inventory needs to be ordered to complete Scheduled and Pending Services

Estimated Reordering Cost For Scheduled and Pending = Reordering Qty For Scheduled and Pending * Unit Price

Reorder Cost = (QtyToReorderForServices * UnitCost)

Out Of Stock = (AvailableQty = 0)

In Stock = (AvailableQty >= QtyRequiredForServices )

To Reorder = (QtyRequiredForServices > AvailableQty)

Here are the business constraints that are applied.

  1. Only active Items are considered.

  2. Non Inventory items are not considered.


Using filters you can analyze by applying various search criteria, here are the available filters

Purchase Order Name → Vendor → Material → Material Type → Purchase Order Status → Stock Availability

Importance of Supply Chain Management Overview Analytics

  • This dashboard helps strike the right inventory balance to keep costs as low as possible without stock-outs.

  • Excess inventory leads to higher-than-necessary inventory carrying costs while running out of items means lost sales.

  • Stock costs money until it sells. Carrying costs include storage handling and transportation fees. Inventory is also at risk of theft, loss from natural disasters, or obsolescence.

Top 4 reasons why you would need Supply Chain Management Overview Analytics for your Organization

  • Demand forecasting: Analyzing historical sales data and customer trends to predict future demand and optimize inventory levels.
  • Inventory optimization: Analyzing inventory levels and usage patterns to identify opportunities for reducing inventory carrying costs while maintaining optimal stock levels.
  • Supplier performance: Analyzing supplier performance metrics such as delivery times, quality levels, and pricing to optimize supplier relationships and reduce supply chain risks.
  • Cost-to-serve analysis: Analyzing the cost of delivering products or services to customers to identify areas for cost reduction and improve profitability.

SCM Overview Analytics short video tour