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Service Pricing Method: Price Per Unit
I'm going to show you how to set up a Price Per Unit for a Material item and then also associate a time for that unit as well.
So, we're going to go in here, I've got my material list. I'm going to use this mulch depth right here, this material, going to go into it, I've got it set up. A unit measurement is cubic yard. My unit cost is $35, my unit price is $85. Then we'll go over here to the top left where is says Quantity and Time.
So, what I just did here is I just set my Unit Price for each time I sell one of these yards and mulch. OK, now if I go over to my quantity and time, I can set a production rate. So, for now I will use 1 cubic yard for every, let's say 275 square feet. OK. And then I want to associate that with, let's see where's my mulch areas, right here.
And then right here I've got Estimate Time per Quantity. So, what I'm going to do here is I'm going to estimate for every cubic yard it takes my guys, I'm going to base this off of 1 guy is 15 minutes to spread 1 cubic yard of mulch.
OK, so now when I go to use this material item on a service, it's going to not only calculate based on my unit cost, based on my coverage for my production rate, but also it's going to estimate how much time for my scheduled based on the amount of mulch on the square footage.
Hit save and that's how you setup the Price Per Unit and associate a Time Per Unit as well.