Quick Start Tutorials

Quick Start 2: Arborgold Settings & Overhead Setup

Resources, Service, & Crew Setup: This 3-part video series will help you get your database organized for your first training session!

1. Overview of Resource Set Up

[ ] Establish your Overhead Cost and Desired Profit

[ ] Establish Employees and their Cost to your business

[ ] Establish your Inventory and its Cost to your business

[ ] Establish your Equipment and the hourly Cost to your business


2. Service Set Up

[ ] Name your Service and set if the service is taxable

[ ] Determine if the service is Recurring (like maintenance or lawn mowing)

[ ] Determine your Service Price and Pricing Method

[ ] Set a Service Description (do NOT copy + paste)

[ ] Default Equipment and/or Inventory



3. Crew Set Up

[ ] Name your Crew

[ ] Color code your crew

[ ] Add default employees to the crew*

*Do not skip this step! Arborgold uses the default number of employees to determine how long to schedule your services when you begin to learn about our Work Scheduler.

[ ] Add default equipment.




Legacy Documentation: Service Set Up